What is Tao Te Bodywork?

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Tao Te Bodywork comes from ancient Chinese Medicine and Philosophy. It is based on the energetic life force known as qi which flows through channels called meridians. It is constantly moving and flowing through all living beings. This life force energy allows us to move, to think and to feel emotions. It is the energy which animates and heals our bodies…

In essence, as it has been acknowledged in physics…we ARE energy. Modern physics has discovered and acknowledged that everyone and everything is nothing but energy and this energy is always in motion, always changing.

Chinese Medicine acknowledged this over three thousand years ago with the birth of the Tao and the understanding that everything is constantly moving and changing.

More than three thousand years ago there was a beautiful village… a community of people who discovered how to live and work in harmony with each other and with nature. Healing was a natural byproduct of their way of living. Together they observed nature and each other… and through these deep and profound observations, they developed the system of healing now known as Chinese Medicine. This medicine includes Tao Te Bodywork.

The people of this ancient village discovered that our bodies and minds are deeply connected and that our heart is at the center, reflected in our eyes. They noticed that when disease or sickness was present, that the flow of energetic life force was impeded. They discovered that the way to restore health was to embrace our natural state, and that embracing the natural flow of life with non-judgmental acceptance was the doorway to healing.

They discovered that the universe is comprised of two forces which cycle within one another…. Yin and Yang…Yin is slow, still, passive and soft. Yang represents movement and is active, fast and hard. When yin and yang are in balance, and when this life force energy is flowing without obstruction, we experience harmony and health both emotionally and physically.

Currently, our society in not in balance in regards to yin and yang. We are focused almost completely on the yang and need to cultivate the yin aspects into our lives. Restoring a dynamic balance between yin and yang allows us to experience harmony which ultimately leads to health in our bodies and minds which extends to our relationships with others. This is the very foundation of a functional  community. They called this community Lao Zsu, or “wise masters” where each member of the community becomes a wise master of one’s own existence and therefore has the ability to connect in a productive way with each other.

They wrote a famous book called the Tao Te Ching. The Tao Te Ching is a manual for the allowing of this natural flow. The ideas in this book may be practiced on their own, but, more appropriately, this book is better used as a manual to assist one who is actually involved in an active process.

Tao Te Bodywork is our modern name for this active process.  It is the active process of connecting with community and allowing this natural flow or Tao.

It is an energetic modality that is very yin in nature. Stillness is what is needed to balance our overly yang lifestyles. It cultivates an inner space and brings awareness that create the possibility for profound change . It is a powerful healing modality that cultivates and ignites the body’s ability to heal itself.

We are, at our source, all interconnected.

Quantum physics has some interesting studies in regards to this understanding.
Here in the following video, quantum physics shows how important the observer is.

Quantum physics proves that acknowledgement truly is a vital need for our very existence as we know it.

So this video showed that when the electrons were not observed or acknowledged, they went into wave/light form. And when the electrons were observed, they decided to become particles. They decided to become part of the earth. To connect with the earth and with our existence by becoming  substance.

They decided to be here.

Of course this is how all electrons behave. Including the electrons in our bodies. We are all made up of electrons, and if we are not observed or acknowledged, we do not want to be here (in particle form) and so, therefore, will become upset, stressed, and ill.

We are all here to connect with each other. Without others, we would not be here.

Many scientists, like psychoanalyst and physician Rene Spitz, have proven that infants who are not given enough attention, are much more likely to be emotionally, physically, or mentally disturbed as well as much more likely to die. From quantum physics we can see that this is because the electrons that make up the cells of these neglected children’s bodies will literally go into wave/light form and are no longer able to support a particle form (what we know as life here on Earth).

All of us are most likely in varying degrees of wave/light and particle form.
It is apparent from observations and from science that the more electrons/cells in our bodies, that are in particle form, the healthier and happier we will be.

Tao Te Bodywork is a practice in presence and acknowledgement with another and so, as  quantum physics has proven,  it helps us to be more in a particle form.  This process will promote a reassimilation of the very essence of our being, which includes our body, mind, and our consciousness.

So to sum it up, by the practical application of the Tao Te Ching and the consistent practice of presence with another, our electrons will most likely transform from wave/light form to particle form, where they can be useful for our existence here on a physical plane.

Tao Te Bodywork consists of gently holding and supporting and observing the body. There is no manipulation. We do not diagnosis or make any attempt to “fix” another. Our intention is to physically support the body and gently accept what is present in each moment, allowing the client to be exactly as s/he is. The space created by this acceptance reduces the resistance which is blocking the natural healing process. This non-judgmental physical and emotional support allows the mind/body to access its own inner wisdom to discern what is out of balance.

When supported in this fashion the body will unravel itself, gently releasing areas of mental, physical and emotional tension that are blocking the flow of qi. When healthy flow of qi is restored, the body naturally heals itself. Healing occurs as we release that which is blocking health. In this sense, the Tao Te Practitioner does not “heal” you. We believe the body has an innate capacity to heal itself.

The effects of this work are cumulative and benefits increase dramatically over time with regular sessions.

Reported benefits:
Those who have received this work over a period of time report an increased sense of well-being, more balanced emotions, reduced pain, more fluid movement, reduced stress and an increased capacity for joy and acceptance.

People have reported feeling more wonder and amazement with life. Many say that they feel more aware of their environment and themselves and are able to understand events and situations in their lives more clearly. People also report being able to express their emotions more proportionately and appropriately to situations. They report that long-standing chronic emotional issues improve and, consequently, they feel more peaceful. People often report feeling more flexible, physically and emotionally. They oftentimes report being amazed at how their physical structure changes.

Many talk about what a great joy they feel at the fact that they are able to be more accepting toward themselves and others and because of this, they often report how free they feel to play more and take situations more lightly.

Clients often attribute personal spiritual experiences to this work, promoting positive changes in their life and their perception of it.

There are other reported benefits, but the above are just the most common.

This work is not intended to be a substitute for proper medical care, only a supplement to it.  If you believe you have a medical problem, please consult your medical doctor for diagnoses and treatment.

5 Responses to What is Tao Te Bodywork?

  1. Missy says:

    Hi-just wanted to be added to your email list for information on your facial classes (I can’t remember if I signed up already but wanted to make sure) thank you-missy😊

  2. You can send your email to thehouseoftao@live.com

  3. Laura firpo says:

    I am interested in finding out about starting treatment .

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